Baby poor rain, wait. Come on over here, she must have been hit by a car. Thats so careful. Who are you, little fox . Yes, yes, we are already there, tell me where is your veterinarian, is there one nearby . Yes, i remember well. Its all right, thanks, remember . I can manage myself. I am now titled by my husband. Its understandable in general. We you next week. I mean, you were expected, okay . I need to go to the other side of the jackdaw to the vet. Here, a fox was found by the road, apparently, a car was hit by a car, stop, stop, stop, stop. I now had the last walker was everything. Well, i cant leave him here, youll go to the other side for today, the working day is already over. Thats it, tomorrow tomorrow i turn to you. But as the chief new biologist from a very functional park. You must obey, especially the situation. Yes, and appoint you according to the order. Only next week from monday. Here, then the chief biologist commands. Boris kharitonovich refuses to take me to the ot