After appearing on the 2023 audition program, Boys Planet, the four contestants from the K-pop label Redstart ENM - Kim Min-seoung, Kum Jun-hyeon, Hong Keon-hee and Choi Woo-jin .
After appearing on the 2023 audition program, Boys Planet, the four contestants from the K-pop label Redstart ENM - Kim Min-seoung, Kum Jun-hyeon, Hong Keon-hee and Choi Woo-jin .
After appearing on the 2023 audition program, Boys Planet, the four contestants from the K-pop label Redstart ENM — Kim Min-seoung, Kum Jun-hyeon, Hong Keon-hee and Choi Woo-jin — came together to form a new boy group named TIOT.