The following comments were posted publicly on the website of Ojai Unified School District as being submitted for the Jan. 20, 2023 OUSD school board meeting. Many of these comments
The public comments are listed below:
Kelsie Zimmerman:
Dear school board members:
Thank you goes out to the superintendent, the administration, and especially the teachers who are showing up every day for our children. I know how incredibly difficult and ever-changing this environment has been, especially for teachers who also have K-12 kids of their own at home!
I’m proud to call some of my friends Ojai Unified School District teachers and coaches. You have given to these kids year after year, following them along their journey through schools. I am a staunch supporter of the public schools and as a parent and community member, I want to see Ojai schools succeed each and every time. I want my kids at Matilija and Nordhoff.