UpdatedWed, Dec 30, 2020 at 8:33 am ET
Readers in Concord and Penacook told Patch about their favorite businesses in the community. (Shutterstock)
CONCORD, NH Last month, Patch in Concord and Penacook asked readers to offer some thoughts about local businesses who had gone above and beyond for customers in the community.
The year 2020 has been a difficult one for everyone but businesses are doing everything they can to help customers and stay afloat during the pandemic.
Get Fit NH on Terrill Park Drive received more than a dozen recommendations for their work with customers during the pandemic.
Subscribe Get Fit NH has had a wonderful group training system for the 9 years that I have been a client, Steven, a customer, said. They welcome all shape and sizes of people and athletic competency. Everyone is treated equally and all clients and staff enter the gym with a positive attitude. That being said, the onset of COVID-19 has delivered a devastating blow to ma