their theories are. it sounds like they re using their theories are. it sounds like they re using broad their theories are. it sounds like they re using broad concepts - their theories are. it sounds like they re using broad concepts ofi they re using broad concepts of fraud, they re using broad concepts of fraud, basically they re using broad concepts of fraud, basically the they re using broad concepts of fraud, basically the donald - they re using broad concepts of. fraud, basically the donald trump knew fraud, basically the donald trump knew he fraud, basically the donald trump knew he lost fraud, basically the donald trump knew he lost the fraud, basically the donald trump knew he lost the election - fraud, basically the donald trump knew he lost the election and - knew he lost the election and despite knew he lost the election and despite that knew he lost the election and despite that he knew he lost the election and despite that he deceitfully. knew he lost
homeland started discrediting jordan. it s really rich when you haven t been here or filed a subpoena in 500 days. pivot to what we would deliver. and the majority comprehensive immigration reform. i think that formula works for the biden administration if we do it rights. we have to come back to the really offensive question of mayorkas, almost making him sound like a drug dealer that was really offensive. i want to play an ad that we were going to debut last week, but there so many other things happening we didn t play it. let me play this ad, because it does make the point that republicans really are fixated on stuff nobody cares about. i don t think anyone other the three million some odd people who watch fox news, it s a good number, but there are 227 million adults. they don t even know who hunter biden. that s right. here is an ad i guess you re behind. let s look. sure. maga republicans in congress and across the country are so obsessed with transgender americans that
preventing them, not letting your town get burned down, property get ripped, their family get hurt. and dawn is a widow of david.rn dawn, who was murdered by a blm rioter in 2020. and when you saw the song the and you saw the controversy around the sonong andg, what wet through your mind? it was absurd. i just i just watched it today.i i just watched the video today and it speaks of small town values. it speaks of community valuen vs that speaks of, you know, standing up for ourselves. you know, when did it become illegal in the united states of america for us to stand up for o ourselves? uresthat s that s our that s our our give it rights to to haotect ourselves, our life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and to have people criticizeavpu that. a son you know, when he puts it ing,is a song, that s basically what he s saying. it s a sense of communit ay. tn it s a sense of neighborhood. it s a sense of taking care ofg each other. otherand we ve gotten so far a
him? ~ ., , ., him? i think no, because position here, is him? i think no, because position here. is and him? i think no, because position here. is and l him? i think no, because position here, is and i have him? i think no, because position here, is and i have just him? i think no, because position| here, is and i have just explained, the 2005 here, is and i have just explained, the 2005 act makes it very clear. the first the 2005 act makes it very clear. the first stages, it is not going out to the first stages, it is not going out to the the first stages, it is not going out to the public. so he can handed straight out to the public. so he can handed straight over. 50 out to the public. so he can handed straight over- straight over. so there is no sanction straight over. so there is no sanction the straight over. so there is no sanction the government. straight over. so there is no - sanction the government impose on him for handing over, and as it were, defying
that s what is so frustrating. we re going to be seeing a lot of these political aims really come to light. that s why this is so important that we do it rights. everybody has an end game in mind. we have to follow the facts. that s why the investigation and the process that chairman jordan is following is so critical. he s leading us through this process in a way, like i said, that nobody will be able to deny. in the end, the biden administration, they are corrupt. martha: we will see where this goes. we ll be watching. we ll see if they embrace the opportunity to tell their side of the story here. congress woman kat cammock, thanks. thank you. martha: so gerry baker and miguel farage live from london when the story continues.