“This is not one of our more fun projects,” said Tracy Aviary’s conservation director. But the survey helps identify species that are particularly vulnerable to building collisions.
With construction costs of nearly $34.6 million and debt payback totaling just under $50 million, the Taj Mahal city hall, Aspen’s new edifice to bureaucratic excess, formally opens with a celebration on December 8. The…
The opening of the new Aspen City Hall has been delayed by at least a month due to COVID-19 issues, along with modest budget increases for the nearly $49 million project.
Aspen City Council heard during a work session Tuesday that the 37,500-square-foot building is scheduled to be fully open around Thanksgiving.
Schedule delays are related to the initial shutdown last March, as well as crew quarantines and limited manpower working within Pitkin County COVID public health order guidelines at 50% capacity, according to Rob Schober, the city’s capital asset project manager.
City staff has contained the financial implications of the delays within the project’s contingency fund and is working to minimize any further impacts moving forward, Schober said.