Eric Zhu was banned from LinkedIn as he didn’t meet the minimum age requirement to join the platform. The boy, who is attending high school and even serving as an investor with Bachmanity Capital, has to be 16 to make an account.
At the age of 15, Eric Zhu is running a startup called Aviato while still attending high school. Despite all this, he can t make an account on LinkedIn.
With the Covid pandemic came a slowdown followed by a spate of unprecedented layoffs in aviation. However, as capacity returns and a busy summer season looms, acute labour shortages and worker.
Le Nazioni Unite tramite Martin Griffiths si sono dette preoccupate per la situazione nel Tigray, una delle regioni coinvolte nella guerra civile etiope. .
Le accuse contro Salmo Dopo il caos con il concerto a Olbia, Salmo è stato travolto da una nuova polemica. Il rapper è stato accusato da una ragazza di nome .