account of what happened. tucker: i don t know what to think. i am skeptical of everything but i am sincerely confused. i don t have a theory that i am pushing. there are two things. there s a lack of an obvious motive. why did stephen paddock, 64-year-old millionaire by all accounts, why did he become this evils killing machine? there is no motive. i have heard that he was isis, anti-foe, the illuminati, he was in the blood cultist. the lack of motive plus the confused timeline allows us to ponder, and as talk radio and the conspiracy theorists get their hands on it, it becomes a lot like, in a sense, although the crimes are different, it becomes like the kennedy assassination, in the sense that we have evidence that seemingly contradicts the official account, therefore, we are skeptical. there are dark forces att work here playing with the facts and
to support all families? the reality is, there are about 8 million grandparents in this country today who are raising or helping with their grandchildren, under the age of 18. we have about 26% of families being led by single mothers who are raising children. do we have policies to support our families? tucker: let me ask you a question.ou ist that good or bad? if a quarter of all families are led by single mothers, a policymaker would say that is a disaster, they beginning of the end of our does society, higher imprisonment rates, lower graduation rates, more malnutrition in poverty. when you see that number doesn t make make you sad or does is i? we don t look at how the reality of how families are composed it. he 64% of mothers areou breadwinners. about 42% are the sole or primary. yet we don t have policies in place like paid family medical leave or adequate child care. howad are we really talking abot
see single parenthood on the scale we see it now is a social disaster. is tucker, i think we need to say that face without words faith without words, we need to make sure we are taking care of all families. tucker: michelle, thank you. up next, we have a piece of tape that we were going to wait until friday. people often say fox is the strongest name and news. theree is another contender for that title. for you to stay withh . from capital one. now, i m earning unlimited 2% cash back on every purchase i make. everything. what s in your wallet? (honking) (beeping) we re on to you, diabetes.
reading. what was so striking about this, this is a guy who won the macarthur genius award, he is really vetted by the intellectual left, they are deeply serious about him, someone to listen to, someone whose words are indispensable, and he is suggesting that blood may be the only way to atone for america s sins, that seems a different level to me. it is a different level, tucker. but all of this comes down to a fundamental question. is the the declaration of independence true or not? is america good or bad? the problem with the left, the reason of the left radicalization is more dangerous than radicalization among republicans, the left answers that question, no. the declaration of independence is not true, it s a cynical document. no, ever america is not a good place, not a place we can get ag as a big diverse group of people. it is a zero-sum game of political tribalism.
that is a fundamental difference between left and right. the left, increasingly, has concluded that they can t share a country with people that disagree with them. tucker: exactly. those are the mathematics of identity politics right there. nicely put. terrifying. john, thank you. thanks, tucker. economist said that all married people should be punished because some groups in america don t get married as often. it is called feminist economics. that is next. the military family, and it really shows. we ve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on very quick very prompt. i feel like we re being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. we re the webber family and we are usaa members for life. usaa, get your insurance quote today.