Victory Day is marked by Europe on May 8, while Russia commemorates the Soviet Union's WWII victory over Nazi Germany on May 9.
entertainment shows big dramas, big blockbuster movies that have come out, state funded over the last few years. and essentially, since 2014, it s attempted to paint ukraine as a new fascist threat to russia, that this government is run by nazis, run by fascists. and now it s trying to activate that propaganda in a new way by saying, the time has come, if we don t go in to attack ukraine, then everything will fall apart, and russia itself is under threat. unfortunately, i don t think that narrative has very successfully cut through to anyone except the most converted putinist believers. and i m interested that you reference world war two we heard president zelensky address the house of commons yesterday via video link from kyiv, and he referenced winston churchill s famous speech about fighting on the beaches he adapted it for the ukrainian situation, but it played into the importance that world war two has in shaping how
unfortunately, this solution does not address the problem of the fact that still, - most russians watch tv newsl and, according to the different polls, they use russian official information - as the main source of their. information about the world. but in a few months, - i do hope that many more and more people will be more interested in getting - non official information and getting alternative i information because, . as the sanctions will hit russian the population harder, | and as there will be more news about the death of russian soldiers in ukraine, - more and more people will be interested in alternative - information. and i do hope that yourj viewership will increase significantly in- the next few months. olga, thank you i know