about the insurance. i am going to comment on the insurance but i want to back up for a second on the snorkeling. with the shoes this guy was wearing if he s an accomplished scuba diver why would you wear shoes? if you did wear shoes when you are running out to knock on the doors youan explanation as i understand it he had tennis shoes on because they weren t intending to swim in the deep water they were going to feed the fish and watch the fish come as they fed the fish. what were they going to feed the fish? right there the fish come to you in aruba. if he s running out there knocking on the doors he s leaving footprints he has sand all over himself. he told robin s mother he put his shoes on afterwards. he s lying. what about the insurance? if she signed it which maybe she did she had no idea what she was signing. he didn t tell her it was an
there s no convincing of my sons. my dad didn t have to say anything. i knew he didn t commit this crime. all right. voice of support from the oldest son. as robin gardener s boyfriend listens, rich forrester jose bias is on the phone. how are you doing? pretty gad, geraldo. you heard what richard said about your client that robin never would have gone he never would have gone in the water at 5:00 p.m. she had her hair done all ready to leave go out she wouldn t have gone snorkeling. he s getting close to a deaf ma familiar may gos lawsuit if he knows what s best he should get council. number one why don t you ask him what happened the night before she left for aruba. he s so educated in predicting her actions did he know she was
going to leave him that night and go spend the night with another man? i don t think so. did he know she was going to aruba? i don t think so. let s take the focus off let s keep the focus on gary right now. it is frustrating to sit here and listen to someone who doesn t know gary and assault him and he doesn t know anything about the case to sit there and de face him. i would love to hear his version of the events the night before she left to aruba. richard, what do you want to say to jose? withhat i want to say to him what does the night before she left aruba have anything to do with her disappearance? make your final statement. where is robin.
want you to pay for your air fair. if you don t show robin is the kind of girl if she takes to you and let s go oh out friday night she will wait until friday night to pick what venue she wanted to go on. she is last minute she can back out. i said to her i am going anyway. that is how i picked aruba. so far you characterized her as flighty and promiscuous. is that accurate? i wouldn t say flighty, but the latter, that s right. what happened? we had only been on the island 48-hours when the incident occurred. we found a nice location people recommended and we went down there. we had lunch. it was a pleasant situation you want to jump in or get out of here? no let s go. our intention was to go in the
about the insurance. i am going to comment on the insurance but i want to back up for a second on the snorkeling. with the shoes this guy was wearing if he s an accomplished scuba diver why would you wear shoes? if you did wear shoes when you are running out to knock on the doors you ran 100 yards. the explanation as i understand it he had tennis shoes on because they weren t intending to swim in the deep water they were going to feed the fish and watch the fish come as they fed the fish. what were they going to feed the fish? right there the fish come to you in aruba. if he s running out there knocking on the doors he s leaving footprints he has sand all over himself. he told robin s mother he put his shoes on afterwards. he s lying. what about the insurance? if she signed it which maybe she did she had no idea what she was signing. he didn t tell her it was an