On Wednesday, March 29, Commissioners received a briefing on the Billingsley Road Alternatives study. Staff reviewed the history of past studies and proposals for addressing realignment of Billingsley Road.
On Wednesday, March 29, Commissioners received a briefing on the Billingsley Road Alternatives study. Staff reviewed the history of past studies and proposals for addressing realignment of Billingsley Road. They presented information on existing roadway conditions, traffic volumes, and environmental resources. A traffic analysis was conducted to evaluate the impact of various options on traffic volume, intersection levels of service, and changes in travel times. Concepts for horizontal roadway realignment were presented within the study area. Three alternatives were provided with cost estimates – an option that upgrades the existing alignment, an option that creates a new alignment, and a hybrid option of the first two alternatives. Staff recommended the hybrid option and shared next steps for the planning process.
Legislative Update
Associate County Attorney Danielle Mitchell provided a legislative update on the 2023 General Assembly sess