for any of the people. if you get more accustomed to the first president who didn t inhale, yeah right. and barack obama who snorted cocaine. now it is going to be acceptable. everybody will talk about their drug use and it will be a better society for it, more honesty. on the left it has always been a resume enhancement. being a sexist and woman eyer is an enhancement if you are warren beatty. if you are herman cane. if you are herman cane, heaven forbid george bush you know what it is? it is progressive pig principal. if you believe in the progressive values you could be a pig. if you are a republican you are a hipocrite. you can get the women s vote which is bizarre. they overwhelmingly voted for bill clinton. this always fascinated me.
for any of the people. if you get more accustomed to the first president who didn t inhale, yeah right. and barack obama who snorted cocaine. now it is going to be acceptable. everybody will talk about their drug use and it will be a better society for it, more honesty. on the left it has always been a resume enhancement. being a sexist and woman eyer is an enhancement if you are warren beatty. if you are herman cane. if you are herman cane, heaven forbid george bush you know what it is? it is progressive pig principal. if you believe in the progressive values you could be a pig. if you are a republican you are a hipocrite. you can get the women s vote which is bizarre. they overwhelmingly voted for bill clinton. this always fascinated me.
debate about america s role in the world. i think republicans and democrats, the may you may see dichs of opini difference of opinions and reactions, is that they see a difference of view about our role in it. the president made a controversial decision to do it collectively to do it through nato, not necessarily have the americans lead. and people who didn t like that decision are having trouble giving him credit for the ultimate success. let me quickly ask but marco rubio. story in the washington post, he s now responded saying it was 50 years ago, it was oral history from his parents. how much of a problem is this for him to be consider ed as a cirrus consideration for vice president by any nominee. he was florida, hispanic, cuban-american, bright, tea party support does this take him out of contention because of the alleged resume enhancement where his family really were not as,