If you recently deleted your songs in either Apple Music or iTunes, you can still restore them using iCloud. Although, it is worth noting that you can only
The Philharmonic and American Federation of Musicians Local 58 began contract negotiations about two years ago to replace the agreement that expired i .
Verbatim: Philharmonic musicians plan May 1 rally
Musicians of the Fort Wayne Philharmonic issued the following Thursday, April 29, 2021 –
Musicians of the Fort Wayne Philharmonic have announced the lineup of guest speakers for their May Day Rally to Restore Music scheduled for 1 PM Saturday, May 1, 2021 at the Allen County Courthouse Green in downtown Fort Wayne.
Ray Hair, International President of the American Federation of Musicians, will be the Keynote Speaker.
Additional guest speakers include Christopher Guerin, Fort Wayne Philharmonic CEO, 1985-2005; The Reverend Dr. Fred Hasecke, Pastor Emeritus, Trinity English Lutheran Church; Fort Wayne City Councilwoman Sharon Tucker; John Michael Smith, President, Regional Orchestra Players Association (ROPA); and Paul Austin, President, International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians (ICSOM).