bank? here are five low-cost perks to consider, courtesy of warehouse club memberships. employees make paychecks go further and cost about $50 a year. movie tickets and restaurant coupons. keep a stash and give them away spontaneously when employees go above and beyond the call of duty. flex time. it there s no specific need for a set workday, let workers create their own schedule. it s a no-cost benefit most employees will see as extremely beneficial. telecommuting. working from home one day a week can be valuable perk at no cost to you. finally, continuing professional education. many local community colleges and professional associations offer courses, seminars and conferences at a very reasonable cost.
employees without breaking the bank? five low-cost perks to consider. warehouse club memberships. employees make paychecks go further iffer and cost about $50 a year. movie tickets and restaurant coupons. keep a stash and give them away spontaneously when employees go above and beyond the call of duty. flex time. it there s no specific need for a set workday, let workers create their own schedule. it s a no-cost benefit most employeeless see as extremely beneficial. telekmoouting. working from home one day a week can be invaluable at no cost to you. finally, continuing professional education. many local community colleges and professional associations offer courses, accept seminars and conferences at a very reasonable cost.