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Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110407:14:03:00

T rorte not hoe rublans ve bn r te ot instent.theyemaiin er ho r l s bd nwithandi a ineneyhreaained to fm resi ntoba nthdid,ead ab fctsiopasiti fm sena mocrabs, a whhatopti f sna bei cr a we ca itt is har tigu ouwhere teiy catgosand,arguo t touer t en lt nighd, theouse t rul en l coitte putghogetherse rul a wle coriestefut etrul sohat e a hoe wo wd be i a es pitioulot t ho wo be iss a port-iorm tst-g , ke aing e go rnme opet- peaps,stor alitts ke wg ekgomepe anit wld incl depes,12 att biion,n an wcuts cland, oth bi n,licytemshat mocrsts ob ct tandd,heyth hav a cymst cr ob tdy fabackositavn anhere aomes id, ll getfa ncksitan inrees a f , l etminu ns. nrthathanyou a muc car f camen wi theast a we nu ha andersu nducar mewihe ae rs har reiis ndli prielimary sine ll the areiw, l t hea li whatriim hy hasne- to l he lsat y.ea at hasosa appximaly 1hourago, wento thwhithouswith spear boner d weade ppma 1 urjoino,statent thentthitusth eabor prwesse d,inightatme tt rehe prss ahe ....

Theyemaiin Er , Ead Ab Fctsiopasiti Fm , Nwithandia Ineneyhreaained To Fm , Arguot Touert En Lt Nighd , Rls Bd , Ove Bn , T Rorte , Sena Mocrabs , Ntoba Nthdid , Hoe Rublans , Sna Bei Cra We Ca Itt , Har Tigu , Ouwhere Teiy Catgosand , Tst G , Es Pitioulott Ho , Sohat Ea Hoe Wo Wd Be Ia , Wg Ekgomepe Anit , Coriestefut Etrul , Ke Ainge Go Rnme Opet Peaps , Stor Alitts , Issa Port Iorm , Coitte Putghogetherse , Ndli Prielimary Sine , Oth Bi N , Anhere Aomes Id , Nducar Mewihe Ae ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110407:04:55:00

Sea in a fonews ert. side th ean a ite use foghtws t. no resi nt odemath viceresi nt be ene te meing no witsi o cesi b megit jo bhnernd gerao rira ianattet too broker mpro serarind ite took fostala gornme ro shutwn. arwaitg tfoiralgomeremas athe cse ut thi. eetg.arit tma at c at w willhiringetoou ve rit he. fo w morllanalisng w connueu withri ourhereatmerinanel oral won e the a thuratontriverselwe v be onhe th buet mt of thnt rs nit. v benu mofth ni herm ke rning r pridenfor e rpubl anrm nomi ktionsaidhe r fnglowi. prheenasr rblbeenire r mionid it fwi. thiisene r my pott if yo hitaken oyth opo thef qr anyo at mkens othat o yheuppo qan ypo i ar .ppormerin la our ilaws or wrielaeriv fr r incies twst ar b wlicayiv sed.r ....

Poonto Pectn Thhun Cth Par , Side Th , Site Use , Fonews Ert , Ene Te Meing , Odemath Viceresi , Ve Rit He , Morllanalisng W , Fo W , Mpro Serarind Ite , Fostala Gornme , Cse Ut Thi , Eetg Arit Tma Atc Atw Willhiringetoou , Ro Shutwn , Gerao Rira Ianattet , Jo Bhnernd , Cesib Megit , Arwaitg Tfoiralgomeremas , Mofth Ni , Th Buet Mt Of Thnt Rs Nit , Rpubl Anrm , Ktionsaidher Fnglowi , A Thuratontriverselwev Be Onhe , V Benu , Herm Ke Rning , Withri Ourhereatmerinanel ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110406:10:23:00

Ght are n l nad bas ibe. ttaf ahanitan aviidt aseve talban ad.naas anin i ve itapped ialn td. aiort. ere no r ortsitpe o iait. nat e rts o oat ghanrmy casuties. any shll plasuesim kne w annoced s rningor sh senaa in v kgini w goi agast no d ge rge ng nanaln, i velieni. groich?ga ge al iie gr? predentbama oiciay launing s rentma 201 ore-eiaction camp gn eunlierg hiss we and the s 01read-eio spelati he mp euld ercomeshee a ths ad fir bilpeon ti e llar resi ntiad mecaidat ir builwill arsillia thacaatoney aually bu ll lp h? ist nessarhaey as w l akllt smef is h is ne caaraign vide w l sck mrisoinsu. cagn dickdeillido ar m snsundide. wh doou ckthlik?do who no i dth t tnk a blionno ....

Nad Bas Ibe , Gnat E , Ere No R , Ve Itapped Ialn Td , Talban Ad Naas Anin , Knew Annoced , Ttaf Ahanitan , Aviidt Aseve , O Iait , Oat Ghanrmy Casuties , Shll Plasuesim , Agast No D , Sh Senaa Inv Kgini W , Ng Nanaln , Ga Ge Al , He Mp , Iie Gr , Tie Llar , Euld Ercomeshee , Ntiad Mecaidat , Predentbama Oiciay Launing , Gn Eunlierg , Rentma 201 Ore Eiaction , 01read Eio Spelati , Aually Bu Ll Lp H , Wl Akllt Smef Is H ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110405:23:20:00

Theyelp opleonne in ys ver foreossie. eyp lenen r resi d byhoosg th neyorktockxchae byosth nerk accckerathathei busiss. ccateisi. )%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)% ....

Tre R , Ys Ver Foreossie , Neyorktockxchae Byosth Nerk , Eyp Lenen , Accckerathathei Busiss ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20110327:14:33:00

Entire interview when meet the press reairs here at 2:00 p.m. 12 people have been killed in a new round of violence resi were killed. ron allen is live for us in amman, jordan, staying on top of the growing unrest spreading throughout the middle east. another good day to you. what is the latest from there? reporter: well, we re hearing from syria that the president, bashar al assad is about to address the nation. that could be soon, that could be in a matter of hours but we think it s sooner rather than later because we ve been hearing this for a while now. we have not heard from him at all since this crisis started unfolding. dozens of people are probably dead as a result of this whole confrontation between protesters in numerous cities around syria and security forces. security forces who allegedly have been firing live ammunition. this is the kind of protesting that would have been unthinkable just a few weeks ago in that country, one of the most ....

Meet The Press , Ron Allen , Middle East , Bashar Al Assad , In Amman , Wine Country , Security Forces ,