Many D.C. students went back to school last week, including MayorAdrian Fenty's twin sons, who began their first day as fourthgraders in the D.C. public school system. In so doing, Fentyfulfilled a promise to send his children to District public schoolsonce they reached fourth grade.
President Obama is a strong supporter of universal preschool andhas pledged to provide funding increases for federal earlyeducation programs. Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are working todeliver on his promise, pushing a number of bills aimed atpromoting universal preschool.
Since 2004, many Hispanic children in D.C. have been given theopportunity of a lifetime: a scholarship to attend a privateschool. Five years after the program began, growing evidence isshowing that it is making a huge impact in these children's lives.Unfortunately, it remains to be seen whether Congress and the ObamaAdministration will allow the successful program to go forward.
Executive Summary: Because most Americans have little control overthe terms or conditions of their health insurance contracts or thepayment of premiums, policymakers should (1) allow all Americans tochoose their own health plans, (2) eliminate discrimination in thetax code, (3) open up health insurance markets, and (4) allowvalues-driven health plans to participate in public programs.