Moments ago the Florida Senate adjourned for the day. This development means another session has passed in which a comprehensive data privacy law was considered and yet failed to make it though the Florida legislature.
Moments ago the Florida Senate adjourned for the day. This development means another session has passed in which a comprehensive data privacy law was considered and yet failed to make it though the Florida legislature.
Florida will not pass a comprehensive data privacy law for the second year in a row. It will be easy for some to speculate that the bill died because the House insisted on a private.
Florida HB 9 has a more limited private right of action, applicable only to companies meeting certain revenue thresholds. Additionally, HB 9 requires annual reports from the Attorney General to the Legislature and provides changes to data retention rules.
Florida HB 9 has a more limited private right of action, applicable only to companies meeting certain revenue thresholds. Additionally, HB 9 requires annual reports from the Attorney General to the Legislature and provides changes to data retention rules.