Pühapäeval, 29. augustil kell 12 avati Tallinnas Tondiraba park – 29 hektaril laiuv ainulaadne rohe- ja puhkeala, kus on ruumi nii inimesele kui ka loodusele.
was just massive. more than 160 afghan civilians killed as well as 13 u.s. service personnel. so these are warnings that have come from the u.s. president, from the u.s. embassy, echoed by australia s department of foreign affairs, and if you are a suicidal jihadi who wants to kill american troops, you basically have 48 hours left to try to do that, and that s part of why the u.s. government and its allies are taking this so seriously, and are so anxious in these final hours and days. that said, the evacuations have continued from that airport with some 2,000 people evacuated, the u.s. government says in a 12-hour period. i know of one individual, for example, who made it into the airport yesterday and is now, i m told, wait ig ing for a fli to take her to relatives, to safety. as this discussion is going on there is also clearly governments looking beyond the
27. augustil toimus välisminister Eva-Maria Liimetsa telefonikõne Afganistani rahvusliku ühtsuse nõukogu juhi Abdullah Abdullahiga, kes andis ülevaate Afganistani julgeolekualasest ja poliitilisest olukorrast. Eesti on praegu ÜRO julgeolekunõukogus Afganistani teemajuht.