IREDA shares fell 5% to Rs 159.40 against the previous close of Rs 167.75 on BSE. With today’s correction, IREDA shares have lost 26% from their record high of Rs 215 reached on February 6, 2024
IREDA share price today: IREDA shares zoomed 5% to Rs 161.75 for a majority of session. They ended at the same level today. Market cap of the firm climbed to Rs 43,474 crore.
Shares of Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd (IREDA) snapped their three session winning run as the Indian equity market record rally came to a halt after five sessions. The IREDA stock will be in focus on Wednesday after the government-owned firm said it has inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Indian Overseas Bank for co-lending in green energy financing.