It is cook outs . It is about baked beans. Maybe from coleslaw. But that is not what its about. You can do that any day of the week. That said, labor say is a celebration of you. Working american. Middle class americans. You know the communist believe, that people at the bottom, would rise up and over throw the capitalist system, the managers and the executives and land owners, landlords and the rest. It never happened. Because in our country we had this industrial revolution, what did that do . Despite what you hear, brought in electricity to every home. Cars in every garage. Clean water in our homes, i could go on. I know that left likes to talk about robber banners, the biggest is federal government, these men were not robber barons, they were capitalists they used system, unrestrained to build the greatest economic power on earth, there were decisions made for the body politic, through president s through congresses and State Legislatures and governments, that trim their sails. But
El meu pare de 86 anys va deixar de rebre el rebut de la llum d Endesa el febrer d enguany. Va trucar a la companyia i li van dir que era una errada informàtica. Passaven els mesos i no se solucionava,.
Donald Trump va rebre una pila de garrotades per la seva inhumana política migratòria, especialment quan es van fer públiques imatges com la d una nena hondurenya plorant mentre un policia escorcollava.
L endemà d haver-se reunit amb el conseller d Interior, Joan Ignasi Elena, l alcaldessa de Girona, Marta Madrenas (Junts), va rebre ahir el conseller d Economia i Hisenda, Jaume Giró. Segons.
Al gener, tot i el cúmul de contagis i morts per la Covid-19, vaig rebre la notícia dels primers vacunats amb una barreja d esperança i mandra. Vagin passant. Quan em va arribar l hora, però,.