Discover the intriguing narrative of Rebel as it unfolds in a college environment, exploring themes of love and political tension. With GV Prakash Kumar in a captivating political action role and Mamitha Baiju as the female lead, the film promises an engaging cinematic experience. Stay updated with the latest box office predictions, technical insights, and the talented cast and crew of Rebel.
Discover the captivating tale of Rebel as tensions rise in a college setting, navigating love, politics, and justice. Follow the journey of Kadhir, portrayed by GV Prakash, as he emerges as the rebel in this gripping narrative. Stay tuned for the latest box office predictions and updates.
This political actioner opened to mixed responses at the box office and the opening figures are underwhelming. Mamitha Baijus factor also couldnt leave an impact on this actioner which lacks lack of purpose and depth in narration, as per the reviewers. Check out the day-wise box office collection below.