Best buy smartphones under Rs 20,000 are now available on discounts and offers. These phones include Realme Narzo 50 Pro, OnePlus Nord CE 2 Lite 5g, Samsung galaxy m14 5g, Samsung galaxy m33 5g, poco c55, Realme Narzo 50i Prime, Realme GT Neo 3T, iQOO Z6 Lite 5G, and Vivo T2 5G. Amazon Great Summer Sale and Flipkart Big Saving Days sale will go live on May 4. Here are the top smartphone deals on smartphone under Rs 20,000 to buy in India
Flipkart Big Saving Days sale will commence on May 4 at 12:00 noon (IST). Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Galaxy S21 FE, Realme GT Neo 3T available at lowest prices.
Flipkart has announced ₹10,000 discount on Realme GT Neo 3T. The phone launched in 2022 with a 120Hz AMOLED display, Snapdragon 870 SoC, Android 13 upgradeability, 64MP triple rear camera setup, and 80W charging support. Grab the deal here.