The Realme 9 5G comes at a starting price of Rs 14,499 while the Realme 9 SE 5G starts at Rs 19,999 in India. They will go on sale in India on March 14.
Realme, the Chinese phone maker, is all set to launch the 9 Series 5G today in India. The Realme 9 lineup is said to comprise two models - Realme 9 5G and Realme 9 5G SE. 📲 Realme 9 Series 5G Launching Today in India, Watch LIVE Streaming Here.
In addition to the Realme 9 5G and the Realme 9 SE 5G smartphones, Realme is also expected to launch the Realme TechLife Watch S100 and the Realme TechLife Buds N100 today.