The Fort Payne Rotary Club will host Richard P. De Fatta, deputy to the commander of the United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command, as a guest speaker on
twitter feed this morning, was not surprised that he responded, but was still kind of shocked. you did the reagan test, the bush test, the obama test, would any of those presidents have weighed in as trump did today? that s a good question. the thing that intrigues me, the line has been floating around a long time, don t believe what comes out of trump s mouth because he doesn t mean what he says. a lot of his supporters say that. but, you know, we re a divided country. half the country believes what comes out of trump s mouth. they don t understand what s in his heart. so that argument, i m not sure that it will work, at least to unify the nation. this issue is about language. it s really crucial, it almost makes me want to go back to my college rhetoric classes. what donald trump says and the way he says it is vast at this different from past presidents and president-elects. we as journalists and citizens have to wrestle with how to interpret his words. meryl streep s words were