IRCON International shares gained over 6% on Monday after the railway engineering firm said it has won a Rs 1198 crore project in a joint venture. IRCON International stock rose 6.43% to Rs 266.95 against the previous close of Rs 250.80 on BSE. The multibagger stock opened higher at Rs 258 today. IRCON International shares are trading higher than the 5 day, 20 day, 50 day, 100 day and 200 day moving averages. Market cap of the firm rose to Rs 24,105 crore on BSE. The Indian Railway firm has gained 246.30 % in a year and risen 47.66% in 2023.
Shares of multibagger Jupiter Wagons Ltd have outperformed other railway stocks in the last six months. Jupiter Wagons stock has surged 253% in the last six months. The railway sector stock, which closed at Rs 89.86 on March 27, 2023 rose to Rs 317.60 on the BSE on September 27, 2023, delivering 253% returns to investors. On the other hand, Titagarh Rail Systems shares zoomed 223% and Texmaco Rail stock gained 208% since March 27.
IRCON share price today: The stock of the state-owned engineering and construction firm zoomed 6.75% to Rs 106.43 against the previous close of Rs 99.70 on BSE. Market cap of the firm rose to Rs 9928 crore on BSE.