Raymonde Rival, la Ministre des Sports accompagnée de son Directeur de Cabinet Me Jean Tholbert Alexis, a reçu l’ambassadeur de Cuba en Haïti Carlos Moya Ramos.
Conditional stay : More than 50,000 Haitians have arrived in the USA - The « Gran grif » gang spreads terror - The Grenadières return to their base camp - Dr. Samson Marseille kidnapped - Economy : Towards a 5th year of decline in Haiti.
A PoliFRONT patrol targeted - World Cup Match Haiti - England : Messages - Fake nursing diplomas in the USA, sentence - New leadership at CAS - BAC supervision : 5,483 teachers have already applied.
Dr. Zilda Arnes Hospital looted - 25 young people from vulnerable neighborhoods graduated - The Minister of Sports encourages the Grenadiers - The choice of CEP members in the hands of the HCT - Canada Day greetings from PM - Candidates to integrate.