The Emirates' status in Washington is a story of extensive lobbying, generous funding and rapprochement with Israel regardless of the latter’s war crimes in the region.
By As`ad AbuKhalil
Special to Consortium News
The United Arab Emirates has enjoyed excellent press in the West; not that t
The Palestinian people have been waiting for a moment to shake the earth underneath the Israeli army.
By As`ad AbuKhalil
Special to Consortium News
U.S. President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, trying to appear sensitive, claim that Hamas does not speak for the Palesti
By satisfying an extremist religious constituency, Ramzy Baroud says the prime minister is turning Israel into a country with leaders determined to institute a religious war.
By Ramzy Baroud
MintPress News
After signing a military decree on May 18, allowing illegal Israeli Jewish settler