if you don t know what is behind the link. back up your information. a lot of people, bed star in the washington, d.c., area, victim of a ranswomware attack but thee backup policy and they were able to recover. when microsoft puts out a patch, it is not a suggestion. you really need to update your systems. upgrade your systems. many of these affected systems were not officially supported by microsoft. tucker: is this just for desktops and laptops or ipods, ipads, phones affected? no, the apple products aren t affected right now. it only affects a vulnerability in windows. because it is a warm, it s not a virus, the second part of this payload, part of what they thought for the nsa tools from a shadow broker, this thing was able to self replicate very much the way that stutz not warmed it in the end brady and centrifuges. it worked its way through the system and attacked everything that was vulnerable. tucker: don t click on links. suspicious. and get apple rather than microsoft.
on the bad side. ranswomware is designed to get ransom. i hold your files ransom. they are encrypted, you can get them back. if you can t pay for them, there is a clock, a timer, just like o at a football or basketball game, it counts down, you have to pay the money. tucker: if you pay the money, you get your files back? that is how it is supposed tt work, that is the way it is not working. right now, about $170,000 has been received. according to the fbi and thebe dhs, nobody has gotten our files back. tucker: how do you keep that from getting it to your computer? it sounds so cliche but you are the first line of your defense. just don t click on those links. a lot of people see an email come in, that is why they are worried, when asia came back to work, they were off when this attack started.. you ve got to be careful. you can take your mounts and hover over a link, let it sit there and it will expose what the link is behind it. i can put tuckercarlson.com and redirect it to