OPINION Toi Matarua, established in 2011 as a “by rangatahi, for rangatahi” performing arts group focused on mental health and suicide, has now transformed.
A new rank of rangatahi are marching their way to bright futures by honouring the legacy and mana of their tīpuna. The East Coast Service Academy in Ruatōria.
Courts Minister Nicole McKee says if courts on marae are working, they won’t be subject to Act’s “we are all one” approach to government services. She says.
Toi Matarua is a rangatahi/youth programme to help enable rangatahi to navigate their future by becoming leaders within their communities. It was established.
Nevertheless Trust is bringing Manioro home in two forms, as a three-day festival and as a mental wellbeing service for rainbow rangatahi and whānau in the.