What do drunks, prostitutes, lunatics, and elevators have in common? They’re all part of the weird 24-hour-a-day world of the Dallas County courthouse.
Pandemic nuptials lead to wedding x 2
Written By:
Jane Turpin Moore | 8:00 pm, Jun. 15, 2021 ×
Alex and Andy Kucera are pictured in Greece in their engagement announcement photo. (Special to The Globe)
WORTHINGTON For two people who bonded over a mutual love of travel adventures and family get-togethers, the pandemic proved particularly painful especially since their wedding was scheduled for the heart of the shutdown.
“Family is very important to us,” said Alex (Wetering) Kucera, a 2007 Worthington High School alumna.
“It really bothered me that all my cousins, aunts and uncles couldn’t actually see me get married in a church that still chokes me up a little because that was not at all how I had envisioned it.”