Rana Daggubati on his birthday unveiled the first look of his upcoming film Rakshasa Raja. The movie is a collaboration between the actor and director Teja. - Rana Daggubati Goes Rogue, Releases Fierce Gangster Transformation Look For Director Teja s Rakshasa Raja
There’s a new feud brewing in Bollywood. And it’s between Sonam Kapoor and Rana Daggubati. It started when the Baahubali star accused an unnamed ‘ big Hindi Heroine’ of ‘wasting time’ on the sets of a film, at King Of Kotha’s pre-release event. Fans conjectured that the diss was aimed at Sonam Kapoor, and went off with that assumption. Although Rana released an apology for the trouble caused to Sonam, it was too little too late, or so it seems with the actress’ recent post.