Recognising chutney's role in Carnival on Friday night, George Singh successfully staged the 2023 Chutney Soca Monarch competition at Skinner Park in San Fernando. Daddy Chinee (Ricardo Melville) took the crown, with nine-year-old Katelin Sultan winning as queen, the youngest competitor in the competition's history. In challenging the market appeal of Machel Montano's 40 concert,
The content originally appeared on: News Americas Now Black Immigrant Daily News The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday News Chutne .
EIGHT-year-old Katelin Sultan has wrested the title from calypso and soca icon Machel Montano by becoming the youngest artiste to make the finals of a major national competition. With song reminiscent of Montano’s debut at the Calypso Monarch finals when he was just 11 and sang Too Young to Soca, Sultan delivered an outstanding performance
SOUTHEX CEO and Chutney/Soca promoter George Singh is looking forward to a million-dollar payout for the 2023 competition's winners. Singh said he is hoping the prize structure would return to the pre-covid19 days, with a first prize of $500,000, $100,000 for the second place winner, $75,000 for position number three, and $35,000 for all of