Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. As Bengaluru prepares for the second phase of Lok Sabha elections on April 26, a pink booth model has been set up in the Ramnagar district of Bangalore Rural constituency for women voters, decorated with balloons, banners and chairs with pink colour etc. India News | Karnataka: Pink Booth Set Up in Bangalore Rural Constituency for Second Phase of LS Polls to Be Held Today.
Karnataka Police have lodged a first information report (FIR) against senior BJP MLA Arvind Limbavali and five others in connection with the suicide case of Bengaluru industrialist, Pradeep, in Ramnagar district of the state, police said on Monday.
The charge sheet prominently mentions the role of Neelambike, a young woman devotee who was studying engineering. The accused nursed a grudge against the deceased Swamiji for insulting her once. In collusion with other accused persons, including another seer she carried out the honey trap, police mentioned in the chargesheet.The
The charge sheet prominently mentions the role of Neelambike, a young woman devotee who was studying engineering. The accused nursed a grudge against the deceased Swamiji for insulting her once. In collusion with other accused persons, including another seer she carried out the honey trap, police mentioned in the chargesheet.The