In her resignation letter to Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge, Khera said she faced criticism from within the party because she could not stop herself from visiting the Ram Temple in Ayodhya and getting a glimpse of Ram Lalla idol.
Ram Lalla, the Suryavanshi king of Ayodhya, is expected to be gifted with ‘Surya Abhishek’ at noon on April 17, a phenomenon through which sun rays would be captured and diverted via a series of optical apparatus. Ram Navami 2024: Preparations On for ‘Surya Abhishek’ of Ram Lalla on April 17; Huge Crowds Expected in Ayodhya.
"After the selection of the main Murti of Ram Lalla, I carved another small Ram Lalla murti (Stone) in my free time at Ayodhya," Yogiraj said in a post on X
Discover the secret behind the magical aura of Ram Lalla's idol. Acclaimed sculptor Arun Yogiraj explains how the sensitivity in crafting the idol made a big difference in the final outcome. Learn more about the consecration of the idol at the Ram temple in Ayodhya.