The Ruma Reshi Cave, nestled in Rahmoo, takes its name from the revered Islamic saint Hazrat Ruma Reshi. Positioned seven kilometers west of Pulwama district in the picturesque village of Rahmoo, adorned with apple, walnut, and almond orchards, the cave holds profound historical and religious significance. The Kashmir Valley, renowned for its scenic beauty, serves as a sacred confluence for Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism. The cave, associated with spiritual figures from Kashmir's past, including Ruma Reshi, exemplifies the region's spiritual evolution. Despite its sanctity, the cave faces neglect, leaving only a small mosque intact. The preservation of such sites is not merely cultural but also a recognized human right under international law.
Financial Services Secretary Vivek Joshi on Wednesday said that countries and corporations were now expanding their horizons to explore innovative approaches to
Financial Services Secretary Vivek Joshi on Wednesday said that countries and corporations were now expanding their horizons to explore innovative approaches to tackle climate change while maintaining economic competitiveness.