Over five years after the Gurugram Police registered a criminal case against real estate developers, former Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda and others in connection with suspected irregularities in a land deal, the state government has now informed the High Court that no violation has been found in the transfer of land by Robert Vadra's Skylight Hospitality to the DLF.
DLF land deal: The Investigation was linked to an FIR registered against former Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Vadra, the son-in-law of Congress leader Sonia Gandhi, and some others in September 2018 in Gurugram.
No violation of rules or regulations were found in the transfer of land by businessman Robert Vadra s Skylight Hospitality to realty major DLF, the Haryana government has told the Punjab and Haryana high court in Chandigarh.