was an apparent match to a former bus driver on bonnie s roof. this was the moment bonnie s mother, karen campbell, had prayed for. the agonizing wait for justice was far from over. here is keith morrison. all that was left was collecting a memory, bits and things that reminded them of how good she was, how thoughtful. the school paper she was to have turned in, she read it to her sister the night before. it was an english paper about saying goodbye. saying goodbye to her friend, katie and saying goodbye to her biological father was never really a part of her life. saying goodbye to cameron as he went away for college. it was like she knew.
something was broken and could never be fixed, but this new huge news that the dna matched a one-time bus driver who moved to davis, california. they called karen as soon as the results come in. you get excite and think wow this is the guy. they retested it. reporter: back at square one. back at square one. then dealing with karen again. reporter: karen ramped up her campaign to keep bonnie s case in the public eye. bonnie s mother karen campbell continues her own crusade to find her daughter s killer. she remains unsatisfied with the investigation. reporter: the attention brought in tips. troopers tested more than 100 dna samples. and nothing came of it but frustration. the case grew cold, as cold as some of the winter nights up here. and four years became six,
we not only had to establish that kenneth dion was the killer, but we also had to disprove that it was an accident and prove that, you know, she had been murdered and she didn t fall off the cliff. reporter: his co-counsel jenna gruenstein was an anchorage school girl when bonnie was murdered. i remember very vividly how much this impacted the community. everyone s sense of security when you know that somebody was kind of literally snatched off the street. reporter: here in anchorage they were under intense pressure. the courtroom was packed, standing-room only. then on the second day of the trial arc new problem. the defense attorney told the jury in his opening statement that the initial investigation at mchugh creek was inadequate and, in fact, the crime scene video was missing and had been for years. confirming karen s worst fears about the troopers. it just made us sick. reporter: which made the news that came the next day all the more shock. out of the blue, somebody
realization. here again is keith morris. here again is keith morris strange how big events in life can arrive when you least expect them. karen was on vacation again a remote island in the philippines. an e-mail arrived from trooper hunyor, call me, it said. i tried calling him and i kept getting disconnected. reporter: but finally they had a conversation long enough for karen to learn one thing, one amazing fact. a dna match. after 12 years they had the man they believed murdered her daughter bonnie. and there on that island, karen felt afraid. you would expect that i would be thrilled. no. i m immediately so fearful that, oh, my gosh, now we know who s done it. are we going to get him convicted? reporter: a few months later in 2007 kenneth dion was indicted and extradited to
reporter: but no, bonnie was not at the airport to meet karen. her body was at the funeral home. i only got to see her face. it s just incredibly sad. and you think, my god, it is her. and you can t believe that your baby s lying there cold and lifeless. reporter: the next day karen saw her baby again, saw more than her face, and noticed something that seemed to confirm what she already believed it wasn t a hiking accident. she called the alaska state troopers. her knuckles were broken. so i m on the phone screaming to them saying, no, you ve got to get back. you ve got to take more pictures. these are defensive wounds. reporter: look again at bonnie s body, she demanded, look harder. what happened to bonnie craig that september day, screamed karen, was murder.