This includes documentary, paper, and performance. Minute performance by three middle School Students from ralston, nebraska. This is going girls i am olivia. I will be plainly see. I will be playing grace breyer. Im carroll and i will be playing tractor and playing catherine. Girl. As the last living i am telling the story of how some of my coworkers passed away from rayon poisoning. Paint was introduced for the first time. The u. S. Rand corporation was founded by dr. Georges willis. They began using rayon paint for businesses. 95 of radium was being used for military purposes. But a small amount was being made into fashionable products such a shampoo, cosmetics, clothing, watches, and was even being added to water. It began to spread across of america because of a scientist that discovered radium on december 21, 1889 while working with radioactive elements. From 1922 to 1923, the u. S. Was prominent. It began to spread all over america. The one im going to talk about today is the u.
I will be playing catherine hsu. My name is making, and i was a radium girl. Im here to tell you the story of how my coworkers, some of my closest friends passed away from radium poisoning. In 1913, radium paint was commercially produced in america for the first time. A year later, u. S. Radium corporation was founded in orange, new jersey. They began producing radium paints and radium parts for american businesses. During world war i, 95 of radio was being used for military purposes, but a small amount was being made into fashionable products such as shampoo, facial cosmetics, clothes, watches. It was even being added to water. The popularity of radium began to spread all over america because of a scientist named to because of a polish scientist named marie curie who discovered , radium onto summer 21st, 1889, while working with radioactive elements in pursuit of a doctorate degree. Both marie and her husband pierre experimented with radiological effects, they experimented to discover
My name is making and i am the lord alaskan girl, im here to tell you the story about my coworkers, some of my roses friend passed away. In 1913 is produced in america for the first time and a year later the corporation was grounded in orange new jersey. They began producing paints and parts for business, shampoo, facial cosmetics, clothes, watches and its even being added to water. The popularity began all over america experimented with the physiological effects and are still working with musicians to develop new uses for this element. From 1922 to 1923 the United States is prominent in the world market seeing 80 of the worlds radium. Companies began all stover americus and now we will talk about today the corporation i mentioned earlier after world war i, they saw workers do more so they began to hire young women this is where our story begins, in the early 1920s my coworkers the moment we started working we were asked to make the finest possible use in various instruments, warships,
I was the last of the radium girl. Im hear to tell you the story of how my closest friends passed away. A year later the u. S. Corporation was founded in orange new jersey. They began producing radium paints and products for the businesses. A small amount was made in products. It was even being added to water. The pop yularity began to sprea all over america. Both marie and her husband experimented with the fizz logiclodg effects. The United States prominent in the worlds radium market producing 80 of the worlds radium. They had begun to hide. This is how our story begins in the early 1920s with my coworkers grace and kathryn. The moment we starred working were were asked to lip the tip of our brushes. With it being so small, licking the tip helped put the tiny numbers on dials. It was being used in various instrument in warships, airplanes and watches. Soon almost every american soldier had a radium dial watch. Each night we noticed this strange glow from our clothes and mouth. It was
My name is may keen. I was the last radium girl. My coworkers, closest friends, passed away from radium poisoning. Radium paint was commercially produced in america for the first time. A year later the u. S. Ram corporation was founded in orange, new jersey. They began producing radium paints and radium products for their businesses. During world war i, 95 of radium was used for military purposes but a small amount was being made into fashionable products such as shampoo, facial cosmetics, quloclothes, watches was even being added to water. It began to spread all over america because of a polish scientist who discovered radium while working with radioactive elements in pursuit of her doctorate degree. Both experimented with the physiological effects and were soon working as physicians to develop new miedical uses for this new development. The u. S. Produced 80 of the worlds radium. Radium Companies Began to spread all over america. But the one im going to talk about today is the u. S.