joy, does this remain a significant issue into november? i think a difficult issue, especially for mitt romney. mitt romney has combo, down on the side of 1070 and the side of the provision most egregious when it combo,s to latin hispanics. the part they didn t like is the part that survived and he is still stuck with that and then you have got this sort of, you know, radical kind of dissent you have on the part of justice anthony scalia, keeps this political and partisan. in his defense, he talked about things like states used to be able to exclude free black and cool his, and rad dal cal and went after the president for his dream act decision. i think the partisanship and the politics of this stayed really caustic right up until november. the other big supreme court decision is going to combo, down on thursday that is the fate of health care. for more on that let me bring in chris van hollen, democrat congressman from maryland. good morning, congressman. good morning. great t