After 14 years with Mediacorp, local actor Edwin Goh has left for greener pastures in the land Down Under. The 29-year-old announced his departure in an Instagram post yesterday (Dec 5), thanking Mediacorp for the opportunities he was given throughout the years. "I just wanna say a big thank-you to Mediacorp for the years of growth, experience and opportunities and.
In a heartfelt video, actress Rachel Wan recounts the painful experience of not being able to be with her father during his last moments in a Singapore hospital.
An improved work-life balance can be found overseas, sure, but it doesn’t need to be determined by a passport stamp. It comes from within, says Neil Humphreys.
SYDNEY Local celebrity couple Nick Teo and Hong Ling met up with another dating pair, Edwin Goh and Rachel Wan, while on a road trip in Australia. Hong, who turned 29 on Wednesday (Aug 16), posted on Instagram a photo of the four actors at the Blue Mountains in Sydney. "Double date be like..We all wake up at around.