Greg Karvonen has been a funeral director in the Wadena area for three decades, taking over the family business and expanding it with locations in Wadena, New York Mills and Henning.
BURLINGTON — The Battle of Alamance Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution unveiled its second wayside trail marker at the Alamance Battleground State Historic Site on
BURLINGTON — The Battle of Alamance Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, will unveil a wayside interpretive trail marker at Alamance Battleground state historic site, 5803 S. N.C.
The Class of 2023 at East Tennessee State University Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy received their doctoral hoods Friday morning, officially becoming part of the college’s 14th graduating class.
WESTON — Weston Middle School and Weston-McEwen High School hosted multiple guest speakers Thursday, April 6, for Mental Health Awareness and Substance Abuse Prevention Day.