Dear Members, By now many of you have seen the deeply disturbing photo of a man at Five Corners holding a large sign with a swastika. As reported in both the local papers and confirmed by the Tisbury Police, this man came as an outside agitator, or counter-demonstrator, to disrupt a vigil that had gathered […]
On Friday, MV Hebrew Center hosted about 200 people from different faiths for a special Shabbat service, focusing on the conflict in Israel and Palestine. Speakers gave speeches, led songs and poems, and invited attendees to follow along reading right to left in the siddur prayer book. “Welcome in Hebrew is ‘bruchim haba’im’, which means ‘blessed are […]
Ehud Neor, a graduate of Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School in the 1970s, currently lives with his family in Nitzan in Israel, a community near the city of Ashkelon, and not far from the Gaza border. He says that his grandchildren have been sleeping in a bomb shelter during the nights since Saturday’s attacks from […]
The change in light is noticeable. It’s almost 5 o’clock, and still light at the end of the day. No need for a flashlight when I take Abby out or bring in firewood. Even though the week has been gray and rainy, I notice that it stays light later every evening. There are always odd […]