owner who they worked for and had years of loyalty. he won t meet with any other victims and he won t remember the name of a guy named deshawn joshua, shot dead in his car a black man who is 20 years of age, likely killed because people thought he was a narc, what we call a snitch. so, al sharpton is a locust. he will come in every time something like this occurs. he will eaten tire crop and then he will go until he finds a new crop. martha: jehmu, what do you say to that? well, martha, al sharpton certainly doesn t speak for me and to quote coates he is not necessarily a black leader but he certainly plays one on television. but i do afree with him when he says that officer wilson prejudged michael brown and that is the real issue here. this isn t about al sharpton. this isn t about hanging on to his every word like folks in the media love to do.