In the wake of news of Rs 300 crore scam in A P Mahesh Bank, the Telangana High Court has issued notices to the Central Registrar, RBI and others for filing their replies.
It bears recall that Mahesh Cooperative Bank Shareholders Welfare Association has filed a petition in the High Court alleging a scam of Rs 300 crore by the Board. The matter is to be heard again on February 8, reports the daily New Indian Express.
Supreme Court advocate Diljit Singh Ahluwalia who is representing the depositors, submitted his plea in the court asking to suspend the board of directors of the bank and to appoint a retired Supreme Court or High court judge as an administrator.
Passing through a longish wait, the election results of AP Mahesh Cooperative Urban Bank were finally given the green signal by the court to be announced on Friday. Ramesh Kumar Bung, a well-known face in the cooperative circles was declared elected unopposed as the Chairman of the UCB on Sunday.
Talking to Indian Cooperative soon after the results Bung said, “Last Friday court has asked RO to announce the result. After the announcement we won the 10 seats out of 15 seats and the other five seats were won by our rival’s panel.”
“For the third term I am elected as the Chairman of the Bank. Earlier I was the Chairman for two terms i.e. 2005-2010 and 2010-2015″, Bung added proudly.