The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Friday filed a chargesheet against notorious gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar and 12 others having links with the proscribed Babbar Khalsa International (BKI) and several other pro-Khalistani terrorist outfits, in the second of the three terror-gangster nexus cases.
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Friday filed a chargesheet against notorious gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar and 12 others having links with the proscribed Babbar Khalsa International (BKI) outfit.
The investigating agency had conducted large-scale searches over a period of six months and examined around 70 members of different Organised Crime Support networks.
Chargesheet exposes the linkage between members of criminal syndicates and drug smugglers with the proscribed Babbar Khalsa International and other pro-Khalistani outfits.