Apple just revealed three new games coming to Apple Arcade next month. One Apple Arcade Original and two App Store Greats join the service on July 3rd with the headliner being Outlanders 2: Second Nature .
A long time ago, a Shaun of a time long past reviewed a game from another Shaun of a time long past. That game was called Shoot the Moon , and it was a triumph of simple gameplay married with a slick presentation to create a charming and fun game.
Hello everyone, and welcome to the week! It s time once again for our look back at the noteworthy updates of the last seven days. Love is in the air! Or is it? I actually expected there to be more Valentine s Day updates all around, but I suppose it is a somewhat minor holiday in the scheme of thing.
Each and every day new mobile games are hitting the App Store, and so each week we put together a big old list of all the best new releases of the past seven days. Back in the day the App Store would showcase the same games for a week, and then refresh those features each Thursday.