proverbial halloween border, or the hillary clinton private e-mail server. it s all in good fun, you guys. don t get excited. you could be the server. tell us now, which will be the hottest political costume in your view? go to and the results will be right after a quick break.
coverage. and up 116% in arizona, and pushing the premiums up, $50 to $350 a month in some cases, and the reason? while 3.4 million americans will be on obama care, most are sicker than expected. the healthier adults are opt ing to not take the coverage and pay the penalty. that means that the insurance pool pooler is smaller and gets a higher percentage of the older and sicker people signing up. reporter: and he says that americans will receive tax credits to offset the premiums, and people could find plans for less than $100 a month. most of the people enrolled are very low income people who are benefiting from the significant subsidies. and of course, a vast majority are insured through their employees and those, and several real costumes there. and in the next hour we will have independent presidential candidate edward mcmullin who is offering people a third option.
republicans moving from agree to neutral in the correspondent panel there, and the breakdown, you can see it, democrats are strongly towards the disagree, and the independents are neutral and disagree in the panel. on gender, women are disagreeing more strongly than men that this is going to impact the outcome of the election, and so we have women strongly disagreeing over the panel, and 22-78, and keep you posted on what else you have to say. and now, we will talk about the timing of this e-mail revolution which hillary clinton called strange. and so do you believe that the fbi needs to release more information on the e-mails. give your response to msnb infini qx3crv.
now is this going to be an affordable option for americans or will they face steeper and steeper rate increases, and so we want to ask you that it is worth more to pay for obamacare to cut the number of insured in this country. and let us know what you think and first from tom costello of nbc. reporter: occupational therapist sarah says she is caught in the middle. she needs the obamacare coverage offered in kentucky, but her insured is losing money in the state and pulling out. now, sarah has to choose a new kentucky plan and her premiums are likely to rise above her $340 a month payment. it is called the affordable care act, but it is not affordable for individuals such as myself, and either the premiums have to come down or i won t have health insurance. reporter: it is happening nationwide, and come january, 1 in 5 health customers are going to be increasing their