thank you. eric: another fox news alert for you from washington, demoted justice department official bruce ohr is slated to testify tomorrow before the house oversight committee. he will be a closed-door session. if ohr could provide more information on the salacious and unverified trump dossier. publican cumbersome and darrell issa on what he hoped to hear for more. we want him to confirm what we already know from hard evidence, that he and his wife were part of a conspiracy to create this narrative of involvement and wrongdoing by by the president relative to the russians. eric: catherine herridge is live in washington with more. good morning. at tuesday s deposition is scheduled to include a handful of senior republican lawmakers as well as staffers who will question the doj official about his decision to break with protocol and bypass doj leadership to share information with the fbi from the former british spy behind the anti-trump dossier. fox news has learned that