He states in the pantheon of great tennis certainly hes one for the ages. Of. 10 or 15 years starts july 10th on t. W. The European Central bank is in for its 1st female president president is that any. Economic policy experience function. 3 german Industry Groups flash their production forecasts pointing the finger at the globe straight wall. And good sunny days of portugals Tourism Bureau calls to see cuts all right. I think its all a business shes got big shoes to fill mario druggies is time as both of the
European Central bank is pretty much up e. U. Leaders nominating i am managing director Christian God to take over the position still he confirms analysts say it will be difficult for her to emulate the eye catching policy steps of the current president the euro slipped on the news shes a ready one of the most well known figures in International Finance bringing with her a wealth of experience and a reputation as a trailblazer for women in 2007 Christine Legarde became the 1st fem
french response to the financial crash she went on in 2011 to become the 1st woman to head the international monetary fund her biggest challenge in that job handling the greek debt crisis. but her career has not been without controversy in 2016 a french court convicted her of allowing the misuse of public funds legard was neither sentence nor find the i.m.f. stood by its director. on twitter legard said she was honored by the nomination to head europe s most important financial institution during the nomination period it will fall on her deputy david lipton to take over the reins at the i.m.f. . responding to news of his boss s likely departure he said his institution s loss would be the e.c.b. ease again. german economist peter joins us to talk about god what do you think