they have actually got rid of documents and am not surprised because having buckets full of post office documents is torturous, absolutely torturous. just office documents is torturous, absolutely torturous. office documents is torturous, absolutely torturous. just one last thin. we absolutely torturous. just one last thing- we have absolutely torturous. just one last thing. we have talked absolutely torturous. just one last thing. we have talked before - absolutely torturous. just one last thing. we have talked before and| absolutely torturous. just one last. thing. we have talked before and you had some harsh things to say about the lid dem leader sir ed davey who has been quick to call for others to resign in the past who was in charge of the post office back in 2010. he was not at pmqs today when the prime minister announced this, should he have been? fih minister announced this, should he have been? have been? oh god yes. he s the leader of a have been? oh god yes. he s t